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2013-11-06 @ 16:27 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Tesla
A Tesla tem vindo a afirmar-se ao longo dos últimos anosGM may buy Tesla for its technology and burgeoning popularityIt plans to grow in Europe and China in 2014Tesla has been building itself in the past few yearsA Tesla também pretende expandir a rede de carregamento Supercharger por toda a Europa até final de 2014A empresa vai ser lançada na China em 2014Tesla vendeu mais carros no terceiro trimestre mas os lucros caíramIt also plans to have a Supercharger network across Europe by the end of 2014The company will launch in China in 2014Tesla sold more cars in Q3, but income in downO modelo vai estar equipado com dois motores elétricos e vai ter tração integralA característica mais estranha do carro são as portas gullwing traseirasO Model X é um SUV baseado na mesma plataforma do Model SA Tesla vai expandir a rede Supercharger no Reino Unido e na EuropaThe Model X is a crossover that uses the platform from the Model SIts weirdest feature is the rear gullwing doors It will use all-wheel drive with front and rear electric motorsTesla is extending its Supercharger network to the UK and EuropeO próximo modelo a ser lançado pela Tesla será o Model XTesla está a tornar-se num assunto de conversa nas grandes marcasMusk does not believe that hydrogen fuel cells have a realistsic use in cars It would improve the car's high speed stability
It also plans to have a Supercharger network across Europe by the end of 2014

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