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Deutschland Deutschland (2000 - heute)
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2012-05-18 @ 14:22 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: MINI (BMW)
O John Cooper Works Countryman completa a gama JCW da MINICom a introdução do Countryman JCW, todos os modelos da MINI contam já com a versão JCWEstas são as versões mais potentes da gama da MINIA Mini disponibiliza agora seis versões John Cooper WorksJohn Cooper Works Countryman Completes JCW Mini RangeWith the introduction of the Countryman, every Mini now has a JCW versionThe cars are meant to be the most powerful cars in the Mini rangeMini now offers six John Cooper Works modelsJohn Cooper Works Countryman Completes JCW Mini RangeWith the introduction of the Countryman, every Mini now has a JCW versionThe cars are meant to be the most powerful cars in the Mini rangeMini now offers six John Cooper Works modelsMINI (BMW) CooperMINI (BMW) John Cooper Works GPMINI (BMW) John Cooper Works GPMINI (BMW) John Cooper Works GPMINI (BMW) John Cooper Works GPMINI (BMW) John Cooper Works GPMINI (BMW) John Cooper Works GPMINI (BMW) John Cooper Works GPMINI (BMW) John Cooper Works GPMINI (BMW) John Cooper Works GP
The cars are meant to be the most powerful cars in the Mini range